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After care lip filler

Side effects from after care lip filler injections if any usually consists of some redness, itching, swelling, tenderness and bruising. For this reason, it is recommended that you allow ample time for recovery before attending an event

Here are some things you should do after having lip filler after care injections in Mississauga.

1.       Apply an ice pack to reduce bruising.

2.       Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours to maintain a normal heart rate and blood pressure.

3.       Drink water to help the healing process.

4.       Eat fruit and vegetables for hydration. Avoid salty foods which can increase swelling.

5.       Avoid heated areas such as saunas and steam rooms for 48 hours as heat can make swelling worse.

6.       Avoid blood thinning pain medication such as ibuprofen. 

7.       Sleep with your head elevated and not on your face.

8.       Avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours.

9. Aviod drinking from a straw