Age gracefully with healthier skin treatments

Age gracefully with healthier skin treatments


Yes you can slow the aging process with natural skin treatments.

 Our skin ages as the dermis under the skin slows production of healthy proteins like collagen and elastin. This causes the skin to become thinner and the supporting layer of fat, muscle and even bone to decline. It makes sense that replenishing the dermis with healthy cells and proteins would slow the process.

 PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Facials work by infusing fresh cells loaded with 5x growth factors to boost your body’s own healing process, slowing the skin aging process. With new cells loaded with collagen and elastin, your skin will eventually increase production of the proteins that the skin needs to maintain it’s youthful efficacy. This treatment is scientifically proven and used for years to promote healing by doctors and surgeons.


The procedure is all natural and is safer than most other procedures as it uses your own blood. First the blood is drawn from your arm and placed into a centrifuge machine where liquid gold platelets with 5x growth factors are extracted. The liquid gold platelets are applied to your skin and infused in the dermis with an aquagold device that uses hair thin needles for minimal discomfort. The fresh cells will boost your body’s own production of collagen and elastin production for lasting results. The entire procedure takes about an hour and your skin may be slightly red after the procedure but you can return to normal activities.

Three treatments, one month apart are recommended the first year to boost your body’s production of healthy collagen and elastin. After that usually one to two treatments are needed each year to maintain your healthy, vibrant skin.

Scientific Evidence of the Benefits of PRP


Scientifically, PRP is explained as follows “Platelet Rich Plasma is a highly concentrated platelet plasma obtained from whole blood. In total, >1100 different proteins have been found in PRP, including immune system messengers, various enzymes and growth factors.” The benefits are described as “PRP proteins enhance wound healing and tissue regeneration. Among all the proteins in PRP, growth factors are the most important components.”


In this study published May 2021, by the National Library of Medicine, “Face rejuvenation with PRP is a promising and non-invasive technique with best results observed in improving periorbital dark circles and wrinkles.”


In April 2022, Dermatology Times article by Sandra Fyfe reports that “According to study investigators, PRP resulted in improvements in “skin color homogeneity, redness, texture, firmness, wrinkles, pores, elasticity, barrier function and capacitance compared to baseline.”


In this clinical study reported in the National Library of Medicine published in February 2020 called “Effects of autologous platelet-rich-plasma injections on facial skin rejuvenation,” it states “PRP injections are effective in improving skin conditions and protecting the skin from photoaging, and thus have broad applications in anti-aging skin repair.”


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