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Botox Facials And Dermal Fillers For Glass Like Skin

Did you know you can stop aging and have glass skin with the best botox in toronto , dermal fillers and Botox Facials . The aging process starts affecting our skin earlier than you may think. As early as 25 years of age, our skin’s collagen production declines causing the skin and supporting fat layers under the skin to become thinner. As the skin begins to sag, we can notice hollows, wrinkles and thinning lips. The loss of elasticity that helps the expressive areas of the face bounce back and soon wrinkles become permanent.

Here are some of the top areas that are most noticeable;

The eyes. With eyes being the centrepiece of the face, the most noticeable sign of aging are the wrinkles and hollows around the eyes.

Crows feet. The corners of the eye where wrinkles form from squinting is a common concern. As skin loses elasticity, the creases from squinting or smiling become permanent.

Dark under eye circles. As the skin becomes thinner, hollows under the eyes form creating shadows or dark circles that make us appear tired.

The smile. The smile is another important area of the face that communicates how we feel. Aging can cause skin to sag and wrinkles to form around the mouth and even turn our smile downward to appear unhappy.

Nasolabial folds. The lines along the cheeks that form when we smile are expressive lines that can become deep permanent creases left untreated as skin loses elasticity.

Mouth. As the skin on the area around the lips becomes thinner, wrinkles form. Our lips themselves also become thinner and the corners at the edge of our mouth can become downturned with age.

 The lower face. A defined jawline provides symmetry and youthful appearance, providing clear separation from the face and neck.

Jowls. As we age, the fat and muscle that supports the skin sag and we lose definition in the jawline. Jowls can make us look much older than our age.

Neck. Lines across the neck from looking down at our devices also known as “tech neck” can become permanent with age.

While a healthy diet, sunscreen, proper skincare and moisturizing can definitely help your skin, these are temporary measures that most likely do not reach the dermis where the aging problem originates. Botox facials will give you glass skin. Your expert cosmetic injector can provide lasting, effective measures to both slow the aging process and provide instantly smoother and tighter glass skin. Three PRP treatments will boost your body’s collagen and elastin production in the dermis and will continue to do so for the year, naturally creating tighter and brighter skin. For existing deep creases, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers will hydrate and smooth creases and support the skin to instantly provide smoother glass skin.

With preventative measures including botox facials only available through medical professionals such as an expert cosmetic injector, you can delay the aging process and retain your beautiful youthful glow.