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Is Botox really preventing the signs of aging

Is botox really preventing the signs of aging?

Most people seek Botox treatment near me when they notice the lines on the forehead, glabellar lines and crows feet around the eyes. For expressive areas of the face, botox blocks the nerve signals to the muscles to minimize the movement that over time can cause permanent lines and wrinkles. While the Botox near me treatment of these areas is very effective at diminishing the appearance of lines, it is a temporary measure.

The real cause of lines and wrinkles are the changes in the skin that begins as early as our twenties. Nutrients in the skin such as collagen and elastin decline causing skin to lose elasticity and become thinner. Soon skin on the expressive areas of the face no longer bounce back and instead, lines remain and become deeper over time. Yes, botox will smooth those lines but they will always come back.

What other treatments are available to slow the aging process

There are many treatments available such as microneedling, peels and laser that injure the surface of the skin to boost the body’s healing response to repair skin. Some can be quite painful, require recovery and have temporary results.

Since we know that aging is caused by a decline in nutrients in the skin, it makes sense that the best wrinkle treatment would replace those nutrients in the dermis where the network of blood vessels supply the skin with strength, support and flexibility.

What you can do to replace the nutrients in your skin

For an all natural, scientifically proven treatment to prolong and restore your skin health, platelet rich plasma (PRP) is the answer. PRP treatment has been used for years to speed the healing injuries and surgeries. Studies show that PRP is also effective in improving skin’s efficacy, repairing scars and pigmentation issues particularly under eye dark circles. It can even promote hair growth for thinning hair. With 3 treatments one month apart in the first year, your skin will resume production of nutrients that will last a year and only 1 to 2 treatments per year will be necessary to maintain your skin health.

The entire procedure takes about an hour and has no post treatment downtime. Your blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge machine that separates liquid gold platelets loaded with fresh cells containing the nutrients your skin needs such as collagen and elastin. The liquid gold is then applied by injection, micro-infusion or microneedling which offers options that minimize discomfort.

Does PRP replace botox?

While botox treatment near me reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles over the course of a few days, PRP works over time to restore skin health so both are still recommended. Over time without a skin health plan, you will need more botox as skin becomes more lax and more lines develop and in some cases, with time botox may stop working. With attention to your skin health by applying PRP treatments to infuse your skin with fresh nutrients, you should notice improvements in a few months.