Dermal fillers in Vaughan, Woodbridge and Toronto

Dermal fillers in Vaughan, Woodbridge and Toronto

Lines and wrinkles can make you look older than your age and with soft injectable dermal fillers in Vaughan, you can have smoother skin and a more youthful look. Dermal fillers near me have advanced over the years and with an experienced injector, you can remove lines and wrinkles for smoother, more refreshed skin.

Dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid (HA), a hydrating substance naturally produced by the body will softly smooth over lines and acne scars. They also can be used to replace lost volume and lift and tighten sagging skin around eyes, cheeks and jawlines to preserve, restore and add definition. Dermal fillers provide a non surgical anti aging solution without the risks and downtime associated with surgery. Your results are immediate, with no downtime and will last about 12 months.

With our advanced injector nurse Stephanie specializing in skin rejuvenation, you can achieve your goals with effective solutions such as dermal fillers in Vaughan.

What causes lines and wrinkles?

In our twenties and thirties, the skin slows production of collagen and elastin causing our skin to become thinner and the fat layer, muscles and even bone that supports the skin to decline. Gradually, the thinner skin begins to sag causing wrinkles and eventually jowls along the jawline emerge. Skin thinning also causes under eye hollows and dark under eye circles and thinning lips and lip lines. While creams and serums provide temporary hydration, dermal fillers offer one treatment that will last for up to 12 months.

Why should I consider dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers can help to maintain smoother, tighter skin so new lines and wrinkles don’t form and so that skin does not sag and drop. Left untreated, instead of smoothing and tightening the skin you may need to invest in a non surgical facelift where dermal fillers are placed in the cheeks to lift and along the jawline to add lost definition. Your advanced nurse Stephanie specializes in skin rejuvenation and will recommend the right treatment for your personal circumstances to maintain youthful looking skin.

What are the common treatment areas for dermal fillers?

Lines & wrinkles - Dermal fillers can be applied in small doses or as a skin booster Hollywood Facial to smooth lip lines, wrinkles and to smooth lines caused by sleeping.

Tech neck lines - Necklines also known as “tech neck” that emerge from looking down at your devices can be erased with dermal fillers.

Smile Lines - More prominent lines and creases such as smile lines will need dermal fillers to replace the lost volume that creates deep wrinkles.

Under eye - Dermal fillers can be applied to fill under eye tear hollows and to tighten the under eye skin when sagging has caused wrinkles.

Acne Scars - Depressed acne scars can be immediately erased with small injections into each scar to fill the depression, smoothing the skin.

Resting mad face – Dermal fillers can be used to subtly lift and improve the appearance of resting mad face so your face looks as good as you feel.

Jawline – Whether you are born with a weak jawline or your aging skin has caused the jawline to be less pronounced, fillers can create a defined jawline to raise the face and reduce skin sagging below the neck.

Chin – Adding dermal filler to the chin can elongate and balance the face.

Cheeks – Dermal filler can be applied to the cheek bone to lift, tighten and replace lost volume to reduce skin sagging under the eye and along the jawline.

Lips – Dermal fillers are not just used to create voluptuous lips or to correct lip shape issues, they also serve to replace lost volume to restore your natural lip look. With smoother lips, the lines around the lips will reduce as well.

Non surgical facelift – More and more people are choosing the minimally invasive treatments to lift and restore their face shape. A non surgical facelift can provide results in a couple of hours with no downtime and less risk.

What do dermal fillers cost?

The cost of dermal filler depends on the skill of the injector, product used and area of treatment and can range from $500 to $1200 a syringe.

Are dermal fillers covered by insurance?

Dermal fillers and other cosmetic procedures are not covered by our health insurance and not usually included in private policies. Check your provider for more information.

What are the do’s and don’ts before and after filler treatment?

Do ensure you are choosing a qualified injector. Just because someone may be a medical professional like a doctor may not mean they are trained and experienced in cosmetic injections. An experienced injector will be able to discuss the procedure and answer all of your questions in advance.

Do consult with your injector if you are on medication. While there may not be a risk, some medications may work to dissolve the fillers which would not provide you a desirable outcome.

Do follow after care instructions provided.

Do stay hydrated as dermal fillers will respond well to a hydrated body.

Don’t seek dermal filler or other cosmetic injections if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Don’t have dermal fillers if you have an active breakout or infection or have had recent surgery on the treatment area.

Don’t wax, tweeze, bleach or use hair removal products on the treatment area for at least two days prior to treatment.

Don’t use topical products for at least two days before treatment including anti aging products including products with Retinol, Retin-A, Retinoids and glycolic acid.

Don’t take supplements one week prior to treatment. Some supplements to avoid include ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Primrose oil, vitamin E, garlic, St. John’s Wort.

Don’t drink alcohol for at least 48-72 hours before treatment and for 24 hours after. Alcohol has a blood thinning effect and can cause more bruising and inflammation.

Don’t exercise for a few days after because the increased blood flow may move the fillers.

Don’t touch or run the area to avoid moving the filler. Wait at least 24 hours before putting pressure on the area.

Don’t expose skin to direct sunlight for 24-48 hours to avoid sunburn that could damage sensitive skin.

Don’t smoke, use straws or anything that could move the filler when having lip filler.

How do I prepare for fillers?

Before your filler treatment, be sure to avoid alcohol and stop taking blood thinning medication such as aspirin and any type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug and vitamin E. See the list of “do’s and don'ts" for more details.

What supplements should I take before my filler appointment?

Do not take supplements one week prior to treatment. Some supplements to avoid include ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Primrose oil, vitamin E, garlic, St. John’s Wort.

How long does it take to get under eye fillers?

Under eye filler treatments can usually be completed in an hour.

What brands of injectable dermal fillers are there?

There are many different brands of dermal fillers approved by Health Canada, each with different solutions to provide the right density for each treatment area. While in most cases, hyaluronic acid fillers are recommended because they effectively solve most problems and can be dissolved easily, some fillers are made with other substances that may last longer or more permanent.





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