FACE Injectables

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How to get rid of wrinkles

How to get rid of wrinkles without Botox?

Wrinkles form as a result of skin changes that begin in our twenties. Nutrients like collagen and elastin slow production which causes the skin to become thinner, losing its elasticity and volume under the skin. Lines that used to bounce back on the expressive areas of the face like the forehead and smile lines no longer bounce back and newlines form as skin is no longer supported by the fat layer underneath. All of this not only causes wrinkles but it changes the way we look. For this reason, wrinkle prevention starts with improving skin health.

Restore skin health to prevent wrinkles

While over the counter creams and serums give the skin much needed hydration, results are temporary. To treat the cause of wrinkles and other signs of aging, a licensed medical professional such as an advanced cosmetic injector can provide options such as all natural PRP or a non surgical facelift to lift and tighten the skin.

PRP Rejuvenation. This all natural treatment infuses the layer under the skin where collagen and elastin are produced with new fresh cells loaded with nutrients to restore skin health. PRP is considered low risk because it uses your own blood. Your blood is drawn then placed in a centrifuge machine to separate liquid gold platelets loaded with nutrients including collagen and elastin. The fresh cells are applied to the treatment areas by injection, micro-needling or a less painful micro-infusion device to reach the layer under the skin where the nutrients are produced. This layer supplies fresh nutrients to the top layer of skin and to the fat layer beneath the skin to restore and strengthen the skin. As an added benefit, by rebooting the skin’s production of nutrients, your body will increase production of nutrients for the year after only 3 treatments, one month apart. Most people will only require 1-2 treatments each year to maintain healthier skin.

Replenishing your skin’s nutrients with PRP Rejuvenation will not only diminish lines and slow the effects of aging it will also reduce skin discolouration and dark under eye circles. Your skin will appear tighter, brighter for a more refreshed, youthful appearance.

Non Surgical FaceLift

For skin that has lost volume, wrinkles and hollows can often make us appear older than our age. In combination with PRP rejuvenation treatments, an advanced injector can apply fillers to smooth and tighten the skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles with immediate results that last up to 12 months.

Dermal fillers made from hyaluronic acid (HA), a substance naturally produced by the body, hydrate the skin and replace the lost volume that occurs with age. With the right injector, you can be confident results will appear natural.

This wrinkle treatment near me can be quite transformative and is safer and much less expensive than plastic surgery. It can also be easily reversed which is not possible with plastic surgery. The complete transformation can usually be completed for less than $3000 depending on the individual. The treatment only takes a couple of hours, with minimal discomfort and no downtime leaving you looking years younger with less wrinkles.