Platelet Rich Plasma London Ontario

Platelet Rich Plasma in London Ontario treatments near me can produce a more permanent change in the quality of your skin than creams and serums without the risk of discolouration with laser. Science has proven that Platelet Rich Plasma near me will boost collagen production in the dermis to reverse the effects of aging.

Beginning at 25 years of age, our skin slows production of collagen and elastin which causes the skin to lose elasticity and volume. Thinner skin, lost volume, loss of facial muscles and bone loss changes the way our face appears. Under eye hollows emerge, wrinkles and lines form and skin begins to sag. PRP can delay this process by boosting collagen and elastin production in the dermis to maintain healthy, youthful skin.

PRP is all natural using your plasma which is drawn and processed in a centrifuge machine to extract liquid gold platelets with 5x growth factors. These super charged, liquid gold platelets can be injected into specific areas of concern like under the eyes, applied by micro-needling device or AquaGold micro infuser to restore your skin’s health. Three treatments are recommended the first year, one month apart with only 1-2 treatments each year to maintain your healthy skin.

PRP can be applied to under eye dark circles to tighten and brighten your eyes for a refreshed look. Over the counter creams and serums, moisturize the skin for a temporary benefit but with PRP, the injections reach the dermis where collagen and elastin are produced to reinvigorate the cells to brighten and tighten under the eye.

Platelet rich plasma treatments London Ontario also can be applied throughout the skin’s surface with a micro-needling device which is known as a Vampire facial. When you boost your skin’s collagen production in the dermis, your skin will be tighter and smoother to prevent wrinkles from forming to maintain your youthful glow.

Your expert cosmetic injector at Face Injectables will be with you throughout your journey with the best treatments for your individual needs to maintain your youthful, skin health.


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