Pre-mature hair loss and thinning hair treatments in london Ontario

What causes hair to fall out prematurely? Most hair loss occurs as a result of genetics. If you have male or female pattern baldness in your family, chances are you will notice hair loss. For men, this can begin as early as our twenties and for women, it usually occurs much later. Sometimes birth control pills can cause premature hair loss treatments london ontario. These types of hair loss can be halted and new hair growth promoted with early treatment.

Premature hair loss can occur as a result of medical conditions such as thyroid issues, iron deficiency or anemia and other medical conditions. Eating disorders and poor diets deficient in protein or iron can also cause premature hair loss. Hair loss can also occur as a result of eating disorders & diet or childbirth. Sometimes stress or illness can cause hair loss as well. Usually in these cases, hair growth will return when the cause of the hair loss is treated.

Using hair products such as relaxers, perms, dyes and other styling products excessively can sometimes cause hair loss. Weaves, excessive heat and tight braids can even cause scarring that blocks hair growth. Taking a break from hair styling and products that include chemicals may identify the cause to reverse the hair loss before it becomes worse.

How can I stop premature hair loss

When premature hair loss treatments london ontario is a result of male or female pattern baldness, early intevention is vital to prevent hair follicles from becoming scarred or permanently closed off. There are various supplement products and over the counter creams that may help but in most cases, these solutions must always be incorporated into your routine to prevent hair loss from returning.

To stop hair loss and regrow hair, scientific advances and studies have shown that by infusing the skin with healthy cells loaded with 5x growth factors and nutrients including collagen, hair growth can be restored. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections to the area will supply the dermis with new, healthy cells rich in nutrients to boost your body’s own production of hair growth. Six treatments, one month apart should restore hair growth with a few more treatments each year to maintain healthy hair growth.

The earlier you start, the better chance you have at preserving your healthy hair to prevent premature hair loss treatments london ontario and permanent damage to your hair follicles. Your advanced nurse injector at Face Injectables can provide you with a custom treatment plan to revitalize and restore healthy hair growth.



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